Monday, April 4, 2011

Gaper Day

Oh yes, it's that time of the year! Jackson Hole Mountain Resort ended it's season with the annual Gaper Day and an endless party of DJ's and live bands. All were blinded by the overwhelming amount of neon last Friday. I personally was able to dig up an old Bogner from a friend's closet, complete with real fur and a rental receipt from 1999.

And for any not familiar with the term "gaper", Urban Dictionary says this: "A gaper is a skiier or snowboarder who is completely clueless. Usually distiungished by their bright colored clothes and a gaper gap, the gap between goggles and a helment/hat. Gapers also do the "Gaper Tuck" which is an attempt at being a ski racer by tucking, however, it is done incorrectly with the poles sticking straight up like thunderbolts and lighting, very very frightning! Gapers also sit at the bottom of jumps and try and go big off table tops in the park."


Me in my Bogner.

Matt is looking especially good today.

David & me. Classic Christmas card photo I think. Haha.

Is this the right ski?

Matt dropping Hollywood on skinny skis. Yikes!!

Farewell to another fantastic winter. I'll miss you Jackson Hole!!

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