Thursday, June 11, 2009

Days at the Beach

So let me just say that the weather has been absolutely gorgeous up here in Seattle. I have truly spent the last couple of days enjoying it too! David and I decided to go to Golden Gardens on Tuesday. Neither of us had any plans so it was a really nice relaxing day. Of course I brought my camera and took some shots of some items that truly mean summer to me. I hear that Seattle has the highest rate of sunglass sales. It's probably because we only wear them about three months out of the year and they get lost.

What could illustrate summer more than baseball? Mariners anyone?

Golden Gardens

I'm excited to be getting tan!


After having so much fun on Tuesday, we decided it would be a good idea to come back on Wednesday and have a BBQ. After sitting through a terrible amount of traffic, we got settled next to a fire pit and started cooking. We got out there around 4 so we could eat, play, and enjoy the sunset right before we left. (The sun sets around 9 in Seattle!) If I hadn't mentioned it already, David used to be a cheerleader at University of Washington. That is actually how we met! Baton twirler falls for cheerleader hehe. These next few photos are ones I took of two of the UW cheeleaders. David A is on the left, and Brandon is on the right. I took them right before the sun was going down, and I think they're beautiful!! I wish I could do a back tuck like that. Unfortunately, I never really excelled in the tumbling department. Regardless, I'm pretty happy with these shots.

Tumbling in the Sunset.

I think I'm going to leave you all with one last photo. I really didn't even feel like I was in Seattle yesterday. My family and I do BBQ's on the beach when we go to San Diego, and this whole day felt just like that. I'm so happy that I've found a place to spend my summer nights watching the sunsets.

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